Unsere Arbeit besteht darin, außergewöhnliche Teppiche zu kreieren. Doch neben unserer Arbeit haben wir auch eine soziale Verantwortung: den Fortschritt in unserer Gesellschaft voranzutreiben. Indem wir kontinuierlich die Konventionen der Produktion hinterfragen, wollen wir für eine bessere Zukunft sorgen – Teppich für Teppich.

Preisen und Auszeichnungen


  • Winner and thus readers' favorite in the category Textile at Danish interior magazines Bo Bedre and Boligmagasinet's award show - A New Wave designed by Laura Bilde and Linnea Ek Blæhr 
  • Mixology23 Awards – Eco Rustic – Flooring product of the year




  • Sustainable Leadership Award by EcoVadis
  • Mixology North18 Awards - ReForm Artworks – Flooring product of the year



  • EU’s Management Award for Sustainable Development by the European Commission and the Department of the Environment


  • First place in CSR Top 100 rating by Danish top management publication Økonomisk Ugebrev Ledelse (second year in a row)
  • Clean World Prize at Danish Design Awards for ReForm Memory
  • National Pioneer Certificate by the European Commission


  • CSR Strategy Prize by KPMG
  • The Export Prize 2015 by the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce
  • Honorary Prize for leading the way within sustainable production by Danish interior magazine Mad & Bolig
  • First place in CSR Top 100 rating by Danish top management publication Økonomisk Ugebrev Ledelse






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Zeitraum 1. Mai 2023 - 30. April 2024
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